Day 5 Resources

Mike Kowis' Resource:

14 Steps To Self-Publishing A Book

Kimberley Grabas' Resources:

FREE DOWNLOAD! Get access to 3 author business cheatsheets (The Essence of My Author Business, The Author Business Vision Planner and The Author Business Overview), plus The Quick Start Guide to Building Your Writer Platform, to help you build and grow your writing career.

Believe, Plan, Act: A Platform + Productivity Planner for Writers

Michelle Kulp's Resource:

Bestseller Quickstart Kit

Christina Nicholson's Resource:

Free eBook: Standout

Gundi Gabrielle's Resources:

FREE Training at

Brand Website:

Facebook Group: SassyZenGirl

Alex Newton's Resource:


Sarah Barbour's Resource:

Free Course: The 7-Day Writing Challenge

Dan Blanchard's Resource:

Johnny W. Ray's Resource:

Course: How To Write Your Memoirs

Alida Winternheimer's Resource:

Free Course: Story Works Fiction

Lise Cartwright's Resource:

Hustle And Groove

Joel Friedlander's Resource:

Book Cover Design Templates

Rob Archangel's Resource:

Archangel Ink

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